Real RV Camping Club Of South Korea At Hershey RV Show

Travis Shim [Shim [Kim Chi Jo’a ]

MRV: The Buzz, Your RV Lifestyle Insider

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Real RV Camping Club | Hershey RV Show | MRV: The Buzz| MobileRVing

Real RV Camping Club | Hershey RV Show | MRV: The Buzz| MobileRVing


South Korean Camping Community President Talks Expansion, Passion & Lifestyle At Hershey RV  Show

An RV Campground Outside Seoul. [Courtesy: Travis Shim]
Hanging Out With The Real RV Camping Community. [Courtesy: Travis Shim]
Have A Cookout With The Real RV Camping Community. [Courtesy: Travis Shim]

The expanse of RVing in the world is spoken in the fact that it is not just a US centric activity. All over the world different peoples have become more engage in the “outdoor lifestyle” especially in a more connected time. One of the places that might be a surprise is South Korea. Most people only see pictures of Seoul which is very urban but according to Real RV Camping Club President Travis Shim [Kim Chi Jo’a ], there are over 500 campgrounds and the interest is growing. At the annual Industry Dinner for the Hershey RV Show, Shim sat down with The Buzz to discuss camping in South Korea, the sense of community it fosters and its global appeal.

The Buzz: How does one go about getting an RV in South Korea?

Travis Shim: Actually it is only one dealership. It is bigger. 95% [of RVs in South Korea] are towable RVs. They are small. They [the people] want to buy motorized [but] our country roads are very very strict. It is very hard to get a license plate. That is the main problem…especially because it’s diesel. Diesel is no good. Just gasoline. So, as you see, small size. Only certain ones allowed like Coachmen and Winnebago. Just small class Cs.

The Buzz: Does that affect the kinds of amenities that campgrounds provide like certain AMP standards?

TS: Amenities almost the same as States. But most campers only [camp] on weekend. And also Korea is a small country.  But camping is same as US. We work 5 days. We are off two days. People want to go for some rest and get some fresh air. That is why they want to go out.

The Buzz: Like the US, and maybe even more, it seems really important, especially with the young, to get them outdoors, not be on their phones.

TS: That is the main problem. Same as Korea. Especially for young people like children and young students. They are mostly playing with their smart phones, playing games or searching the internet. That is the problem. Many parents want to pay a debt so they want to have good time.

Trailers At A Urban Campground On Display in South Korea. [Courtesy: Travis Shim]
Enjoying Some Food Outdoors With The Real RV Camping Community. [Courtesy: Travis Shim]
Chillin' With The Real RV Camping Community. [Courtesy: Travis Shim]

The Buzz: So how do you connect with other people who want to go camping?

TS: We call it a community. It is a “Tai Pei”. That is like the RV user community. It is one of the biggest RV clubs in Korea. The translation is Real RV Camping Club. If someone wants to buy an RV or just go to the camping, they search on the internet. They usually find our club. They are very impressed.

The Buzz: All that said, how did you come to be here in Pennsylvania at the Hershey RV Show?

Travis Shim: We had been ten years with the RV club. We had a lot of information including North America, Europe and Australia. This RV show is one of the biggest RV shows in North America. We did some paperwork. We want to bring another dealership, maybe a Coachmen dealer [to South Korea].

The Buzz: How did you personally get into camping?

TS: It is actually one of my hobbies. In my case, I quit my job. I am only 49 years old but two years ago I quit. I did some construction. But two years ago I retired…I quit. Then I thought “What are my best things?” “What do I do for a living?” At the time I realized, “Oh I’m a professional in RV!” I was an RV owner. I had a small folding camping trailer from Jayco but heavy duty. I owned one for 5 years.

The Buzz: What keeps you passionate about RVing now?

TS: I think RV is life. RV is a home away from home.

Tim Wassberg

A graduate of New York University's Tisch School Of The Arts with degrees in Film/TV Production & Film Criticism, Tim has written for magazines such as Moviemaker, Moving Pictures, Conde Nast Traveler UK and Casino Player. He enjoys traveling and distinct craft beers among other things.

Real RV Camping Club

Make Sure To Check Out:

Real RV Camping Club, whose forum on Naver discusses camping and all thing outdoors in South Korea [In Korean]

   March 02, 2017

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