Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through the Ntional Parks Traveler's website.
National Parks Traveler reports that the National Park Service (NPS) quietly disbanded the Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee, effective Nov. 1, 2019, without issuing a press release. The Committee, appointed by former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, had garnered widespread criticism for its suggestions on privatizing many park services, including campgrounds, limiting senior pass access, and generally “modernizing” the national parks, as well as its membership made up of industry insiders with conflicts of interest. The National Park System includes 1,421 campgrounds, with 1,340 managed by NPS and 81 managed through concessions contracts.
action has been taken on the committee's recommendations nor will any action be
taken in the future unless and until the Department of the Interior and the
National Park Service determine the recommendations will improve the visitor
experience, protect national park resources, and are determined to be prudent
investments," David Vela, NPS deputy director and de facto head, told
National Parks Traveler. “The NPS is working to create a second century
campground experience that supports sound investment and management for
campgrounds that may be enjoyed by all.” The editors at National Parks Traveler
say the disbanding of the committee was only revealed after they published an
editorial criticizing the committee’s suggestions.