Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through Sun Herald's website.
Gulfport and Ocean Springs are the latest hot spots as new business is popping up across the Coast even before major BP oil spill settlement funding starts to flow. Mississippi Aquarium is set to open April 30, and it’s already attracting more investment. The groundbreaking for the $38 million USM’s Ocean Enterprise project at the Port of Gulfport also is attracting more development.Sun Herald writer, Mary Perez, relays in her article, "The city also is hoping to get funding for a new YMCA north of the interstate at Lorraine Road and Dedeaux that would be centrally located to serve the entire Coast, Parker said. The buzz in Jackson is that the vote may come at the end of March, Mayor Shea Dobson said at a Ocean Springs Chamber of Commerce breakfast. The proposal there is to help build a parking garage downtown as part of a mixed-use development." Building permits topped $300 million across South Mississippi last year, a huge jump from $186 million in 2018. With the warmer weather, 2020 is off to a strong start, sitting at $18 million in new construction for the first 6 weeks. To read more on Gulfport and Ocean Springs, click here.