Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through Washington Examiner's website.
Despite having more than 400,000 fewer visitors than the previous year, Grand Canyon National Park was the second most visited National Park in 2019. The park welcomed 5.97 million visitors last year, ranking behind only Great Smoky Mountain National Park, which welcomed 12.5 million, the National Park Service said. The number of visitors to Grand Canyon National Park in 2019 is down from 6,380,495 visitors in 2018 and 6,254,238 in 2017. Washington Examiner writer, Derek Draplin, covers in his article, "Visitors to Grand Canyon National Park spent $947 million in regions surrounding the park in 2018, the most recent year for which data is available." Nationally, however, visitation in 2019 was up 2.9 percent compared to 2018, with 9 million more visitors to the system. Total recreation-related visits throughout the park system was 327 million last year, NPS said. Visitors to Grand Canyon National Park spent $947 million in regions surrounding the park in 2018, the most recent year for which data is available.To read more on Grand Canyon National Park, click here.