The Daily News Reports On The Non Profit Organization That Focuses On Encouraging Others To Get Outdoors And Stay Active
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved through Iron Mountain Daily News' website via Google.
A new non profit organization by the name of Iron Endurance is bringing change in their community by encouraging others to stay active by going outdoors. This organization, located in Utah, is targeting every age group and skill level.
As Iron Mountain Daily News writer Terri Castelaz relates in “Growing up and being active myself, I know the benefits,” the outdoor enthusiast said. Iron Endurance is open to all. “I want as many people as possible — young and old — to get outdoors,” Ziegler stressed. “My hope is to inspire a broad audience and help them find lifelong health and wellness.”
Check this full article at Iron Mountain Daily News right here.
-MRV: The Buzz