New Bern KOA Holiday Offers Special Rate To Benefit KOA Care Camps
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through WCTI News Channel 12 - ABC's website.
New Bern KOA Holiday announces a special rate for camping on May 11 at just $20 to benefit KOA Care Camps for children with cancer. Specifically, campers who stay as paying guests on Friday, May 10 will receive a night of camping on Saturday, May 11 for just $20. The entire $20 fee will benefit KOA Care Camps for children battling cancer.
WCTI News Chanel 12 writer Sarah Katherine relates in her article, "The KOA Care Camps Big Weekend event is the official start to the 2019 summer camping season and is being offered at participating KOAs throughout North America." It is also the major fundraiser for KOA Care Camps for children with cancer, the official charity of Kampgrounds of America and the KOA Owners Association. Donations raised during the May 10-11 weekend will all go to benefit KOA Care Camps. This network of 130 specialized, medically equipped summer camps throughout North America allow children batting cancer to enjoy a true summer camp experience at no charge to their families.
View a complete listing a participating KOA campgrounds at their website.