Forest Service Launches Outdoor Recreation App for PNW
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through The Olympian's website.
As if we needed a better reason to get outside and explore the recreational activities our region offers. Well since when has our mobile devices left an opportunity open for the taking. Recently the US Forest Service just launched an app showing users all the information they need about the recreational opportunities in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) region in one place, to even further increase the urge to get outdoors. The app is available to Apple users and soon will be available for Android. “This mobile app is one of many ways we are trying to do our part to be good neighbors and support both the communities we serve and the recreation users who visit,” Regional Forester Jim Peña said in the Forest Service press release. “We heard people want more mobile-friendly ways of getting their hiking, camping and other recreation information, and this app delivers just that.”
According to Olympian writer David Rasbach, "The app will be a one-stop source for users, helping outdoors lovers become more familiar with recreation opportunities near them by providing information about the 17 national forests and scenic areas in the Pacific Northwest, including the Mount Baker Snoqualmie National Forest." Approximately 15 million people annually visit the national forests in Oregon and Washington state, which comprise 24.7 million acres in the two states. The app complements the Forest Service website, but is a way for people to get the info on-demand, perhaps when they are already outdoors exploring nature or RVing through the states. In addition to hiking, camping and other traditional recreation information, the release said, the app also provides information about current fires, current conditions of road and trail access and photo galleries to showcase beautiful areas in the region and give ideas for new places to visit.
For the full release on The Olympian, visit their website here.