Volunteer Park Host Position Filled in Kerrville
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through The Hill Country Community Journal's website.
The City of Kerrville in Texas recently filled an opening in their staff of "park hosts", and this was for Kerrville Schreiner Park. Being a park host is not a paying job, unless you count the free camping site with its utilities in return for a minimum of 24 hours work in the park per week. Depending on the season, it’s often more than 24 working hours. Head Ranger Josh White said this fills their cleaning and maintenance needs, as well as one host whose primary job is to be available for arrivals at the main entrance after the office is closed. Being a park host is volunteer work, unless you count the free camping site with its utilities in return for a minimum of 24 hours work in the park per week.
Bonnie Arnold of The Hill Country Community Journal relates in his article: "Kerrville-Schreiner Park is owned and maintained by the City of Kerrville Parks and Recreation Department, and its 517 acres are split between a wide strip between State Highway 173 and the Guadalupe River, and what they call the Hillside area on the other side of the highway. Scattered around that acreage are 157 overnight camping sites of various types. Some accommodate recreational vehicles with utility hook-ups. White said some RV sites have 50 amps of power for larger “rigs,” while other sites have 30 amps of power for smaller RVs and campers. Tent campers get a picnic table, a fire ring and a few have water and electricity. So the park hosts are responsible for cleaning five of the six restroom buildings scattered around the park, clearing out the fire rings when the ash builds up, emptying the trash barrels, and sometimes cutting wood or helping the other staff members clean the cabins in the park.
For the complete article on the whole ordeal, visit here.