News Blip: Reset From Modern Living With Camping
CBS News Reports On A Study Suggesting That Staying Outdoors May Improve Your Sleep By Tuning Your Internal Clock With That Of Nature
Living in today's world forces us to come across a plethora of artificial lighting, such as from computer screens, smartphones, and TV screens. Such exposure to light can shift a body's circadian rhythms in a day and affect his/her sleep. A study researched this specif topic and the findings add to evidence that time in the sun and the dark helps people get to sleep at a decent hour.
CBS News writer Amy Norton relays in her article: "In a 2013 study, Wright’s team found that a week of summer camping — with no smartphones — reset people’s internal clocks to be in rhythm with nature’s. Saliva samples showed that levels of the “sleep hormone” melatonin shifted compared with a typical week at home. Melatonin levels started to rise around sunset, and the campers’ “biological night” kicked in about two hours earlier."
Check out the full article at CBS News right here.
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