New HET Electric Motor Is A Game Changer
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through New Atlas' website.
New Atlas reports on Linear Labs, a Texas based company, that has made a breakthrough in the design of electric motors. Its Hunstable Electric Turbine (HET), developed by father/son team Fred and Brad Hunstable, has the potential to produce two to five times the torque density, three times the power density and twice the total output of any permanent magnet motor of the same size, with significantly lower weight and cost. The company says the motor can increase the range of a battery pack by some 10-20 percent. "The holy grail in electric motors has always been high torque and no gearbox, and the HET achieves both in a smaller, lighter and more efficient package that is more powerful than traditional motors," Fred Hunstable, CTO of Linear Labs, said in a press release.
Linear Labs raised $4.5 million in seed money during a funding round in April to market the company's "motor of the future." The first commercial application of the HET will be a scooter prototype next year, with a car prototype coming in 2021. The Hunstables sees further potential for the motors in uses as far afield as flying cars, electric trains, trucks, wind power generation and HVAC. "This is a major accomplishment by an electric motor which supersedes other commercially available electric propulsion units," motor expert Dr. Babak Fahimi, founder of the Renewable Energy and Vehicular Technology (REVT) Laboratory at the University of Texas at Dallas, said in a press release announcing the funding. "I strongly believe that the deployment and commercialization of the HET will result in substantial leaps in terms of energy savings, reliability enhancement, and low-cost manufacturing."
Find out more on the Linear Labs website.
Funding, Industry Updates, News, Products, Technology, Texas