BLM Announces Road Closures In Grand, Jackson Counties
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through SkiHi News' website.
Ski-Hi News reports on road closures in Grand and Jackson counties for this winter. Beginning Dec. 15, the Bureau of Land Management names restrictions on motorized travel in areas with heavy snow. The restrictions help reduce stress on wintering big game herds and prevent road damage. "These annual winter closures are important to helping big game herds make it through the winter," BLM Kremmling Field Manager Bill Mills said in an article.
The North Sand Hills Special Management Recreation Area in Jackson County is closed to motorized and mechanized vehicles, including snowmobiles, until April 15. Travel routes and areas on BLM lands on Wolford Mountain in Grand County will be closed to all motorized use. Non-motorized travel typically will be permitted throughout the area during winter travel restrictions. Changing conditions may cause the restrictions to be modified in the Wolford area, so check for restriction updates. Maps are available at the Kremmling Field Office, 2103 E. Park Ave.; at information kiosks on County Road 224 near the former landfill, County Road 26 off of Highway 40, and County Road 227; and at the intersection of County Roads 22 and 25.
For a full report on closures and restrictions in Grand, Jackson county, click here.