Janet Gives Tips And Life Experience Of What To Expect When Living On The Road Full Time, And How To Get The Right Jobs
When they were ages 31 and 38, respectively, Janet and Gordon Groene decided to take the plunge. They would become full time RVers in the summer, then live in the tropics on a sailboat during the winters. While Janet already had a successful home based freelance writing business, Gordon would be giving up his job as an airline pilot, and turning to his talent for photography for his new career.
But while they were confident that they could make a go of their new chosen lifestyle, “living the homeless lifestyle is more of a challenge than people realize,” Janet reveals, “You need an address to vote, get a driver’s license, open a bank account and much more. Choosing the address brings up even more questions because many things, such as insurance rates and some taxes, are based on your physical address.” Other challenges the Groenes faced were difficulties in cashing a check (in fact, Janet states that once even her traveler's checks were rejected), and that you are, basically, always a stranger wherever you go.
However, the Groenes have also had some wonderful experiences in the various campgrounds they have stayed. “As a newbie in a campground, one often gets extra attention, help and advice on the local scene,” explains Janet. And many will also come through for their fellow campers in an emergency. “I once had a dental emergency and didn't know anyone in town. Most practices don't always accept new patients,” continues Janet. “However, a local person, the campground clerk, called her dental practice, vouched for me and got me an appointment.”
Janet and Gordon's adventures turned into a series of books (including “Living Aboard Your RV, A Guide to the Full Time Life on Wheels) and many feature articles. But one still needs to think about how to plan about making a living while on the road (unless said traveler is retired). Janet points out that, although work can be found for the full time RVer, “some jobs are temporary by nature such as consulting…training…trouble shooting. Others are seasonal. Amazon, for example, provides RV hookups at some of its fulfillment centers, preferring workers who bring their own housing with them. As for starting a career, the best bet is to have a cushion of savings and get into "workamping" in which RVers are matched up with jobs, usually in campgrounds. Pay [usually] includes a campsite and hookups. As for travel writing it's a myth that travel, plus writing ability, can add up to jobs. Too many people are already out there, blogging or writing about their travel experiences. [Beyond that] founding any business requires a collection of skills and, in some [cases], mobility is an asset or even a requirement. You may be, say, a genius with the crochet hook or a paint brush and hope to make a living by selling your work on the craft fairs circuit. But you have to know the travel, business and marketing aspects of being a good crafter. Musicians have made a living on the go since the days of traveling minstrels, but one must know how to find gigs and negotiate contracts. [That said] thanks to the internet there are countless ways now to earn a living on the go. However, just being mobile alone doesn’t qualify you for a reliable income. You need skills, a plan and you must be a self-starter.”
For those who are contemplating becoming a full time RVer, Janet has a few more tips. “In choosing an RV for full-timing, the first decision is whether to drive it or tow it. We stayed lean, green and always on the go with one, 21-foot, Class C motorhome. But, keep in mind too that this is a home that will travel at 55 mph. Too many buyers look at the interior before the chassis and engine.” She also reminds new full time RVers: “Home-style conveniences also mean that you’re providing your own utilities. You must budget for fuel, maintenance and a safe place to park the camper.”
And as far as that all important budget, Janet offers this to ponder: “Everyone asks what it costs to be a full-timer, but the answer depends on you. In the book is a long list of things to think about in making your own budget. Where does your money go now, and what costs will change if you go full-timing? Most future costs are predictable such as a monthly payment on the RV, insurances, food, wardrobe, charity, alimony, student loan, ad inf. Be honest with yourself. Do you drink vintage wine or Two Buck Chuck? Sirloin or hot dogs? Will you really quit having those monthly $120 spa scrubs or the daily lottery tickets?”
And what about those future, or even current full timers with a hankering to RV overseas? Janet can offer some first-hand experience there as well. “When writing assignments take me abroad I want to experience travel in ways including living for at least a week in a rental boat and rental RV, but that is another story. Every ex-pat has different challenges in every country, so it depends on where you are. Some Americans have bought an RV in Europe, traveled for a year or more, then sold it before returning home. Shipping one's own RV overseas and back [can be] done, but is more of a hassle than I can recommend.”
Today, although Janet's work got to the point where she needed an actual home base and had to leave their full time life on the road (and the water), their RV is still put into service for their weekend needs and vacation getaways. However, when asked if they would ever return to the full time life, Janet simply replied “you never know.”
Kim Pezza
A graduate of State University Of New York At Fredonia with a BA in Creative Writing, Kim is an author for Hatherleigh Press [Random House] and Seaside Publishing. She enjoys camping, cheese making and historic crafts.
Make Sure To Stay At:
Crow's Nest Campground, a 120 site campground with sites in various settings such as open/sunny, wooded and riverfront. The campground can accommodate just about any size camper/RV on most sites.