Can You Find Which Rocks Sing?
Visitors Climb The Outcrop Hill At Ringing Rocks State Park In Montana Banging Along The Way Waiting for That Distinct Chime
It's hit or miss.
Some rocks – when hit lightly with a hammer – offer nothing in return. Others sing. As if banging on a hollow pipe, the rocks ring out like off-key chimes. It's a rare and unexplained phenomenon that has made Ringing Rocks State Park a point of interest in Montana.
The outcrop of rocks at the top of a hill may just appear to be, well, a pile of rocks, but the people who climb through the rocks searching for those haunting, echoing bell-like sounds know it's a very special place. In fact, there are less than 10 rocks that ring world-wide, said Bureau of Land Management geologist Dave Williams.
The 10 musical rock formations have some commonalities, but there's no definitive answer as to why the rocks sound like dull wind chimes when tapped with a hammer.
“Nobody really knows why this occurs,” said Williams. “I don't think anybody has done any specific studies on these rocks – or any other rocks that ring. It's more of a curiosity than anything else. I don't think anyone has even put together a series of ideas or theories on why they ring.”
Still, Williams has his own idea as to why the rocks ring out when struck. He feels that's it's only logical that, as the rock eroded from erosive actions of water over the past thousands of years, they may have retained some energy if they were fractured a certain way. This energy may manifest itself as a ring when struck.
But – of course – that's only a theory.
Field Manager Scott Haight thinks it may be the density of the rocks themselves. He pondered: “They solidified in a manner where the crystals were allowed to grow together, creating a dense structure. The middle content is fairly high in iron...”
The outcrop of rocks up on the hill remain a mystery.
It's not even clear when the ringing was first discovered.
The area surrounding the Ringing Rocks has a history of mining activity. Miners were on the lookout for a large variety of metals in the location. Williams suspects a miner must have been the first to discover the rocks' special quality over a few hundred years ago, but nobody is quite sure.
Now home to a large amount of abandoned and blocked off mining sites, the Ringing Rocks remain as they always have been, seemingly untouched aside from the light hammer taps they receive from curious guests who trek up the outcrop.
One man even performed a drum – or rock – solo on the rocks, taking advantage of their unique sound and the fact that each rock has a different tone depending on their size and shape.
According to a sign at the bottom of the outcrop, the rocks will not possess their unique ability to sing a tune if removed from their spot. Explained Haight: “The way they're weathered, they're out in these blocks, supporting each other in a big jumble. It's like a xylophone affect. If you take one of those rocks and lay it on the ground it won't make the same noise .It has to be supported just right so it can vibrate.”
Sitting off of an unimproved road that can only be reached by high clearance vehicles, the Ringing Rocks remain silent and stoic until people come to test their musical abilities on the mysterious boulders.
Besides the melodic rocks, the park remains silent.
Nearby, there is an extensive off-road vehicle trail system for ATVs and mountain bikes, as well as the opportunity for fishing and hiking. Like most of Montana, said Williams, the park is full of outdoor activities. But most people come to listen to the rocks.
“What I like most about working here is showing people the rocks for the first time,” said Haight. “It's pretty unique. They're startled and fascinated all at once. It's just an unexpected sound that can't be described. I loved taking my grandkids there. That was a lot of fun. Even though the youngest wanted to climb all the way to the top more than making music.”
Williams has been working with the Montana park system for a couple of years, focused on mining law administration. They'll administer permitting and also check out the abandoned mines, closing off the ones that they deem dangerous. Which is almost all of them.
Despite going to school for history, Williams became very interested in geology after taking one course on the subject.
“I found it more interesting than history,” he explained. “It is history, but a little different. It's the earth's history, that's what it is.”
Now, when working with the mines, Williams studies how the mining activities in the area impact the environment, dealing with a whole range of geology-related issues, including climate change. The technically challenging job is “always interesting” to him, a chance to learn more about the area through its oldest inhabitant: The environment.
Williams recently went on a vacation to Iceland. Although the trip wasn't for work, he ended up studying the recently formed volcanic rock and the “interesting geology” of the Eurasian plate and North American plate junction.
For someone that obviously likes facts, statistics and answers, the Ringing Rocks are an enigma. The stoic outcrop of boulders appears to be just plain old boulders, but once people begin to climb them they discover how unique the experience truly is. There's nothing like climbing to the top of an outcrop of rocks, looking out onto the landscape around you, surrounded by the sounds of wind chimes and bells. There's nothing else like it anywhere in the world.
Olivia Richman
A graduate of East Connecticut State University in Journalism, Olivia has written for Stonebridge Press & Antiques Marketplace among others. She enjoys writing, running and video games.
Make Sure To Check Out:
Ringing Rock State Park is located approximately 18 miles east of Butte and north of I-90, and has a unique geological formation in which the rocks chime when tapped lightly with a hammer.