Mobile Gardening Without Soil
Many RV parks, resorts, and campgrounds have strict stipulations when it comes to digging or putting structures such as sheds on a site. Much of this has to do with underground electrical cabling and water pipes that can either be damaged by digging or maintenance crews having a tougher time reaching problem areas if there are electrical or water leak issues.
Hydroponic gardening not only solves that dilemma but also enables you to take and travel with your investment of time and effort cultivating your flowers, herbs, and vegetables year ‘round. Your garden can be grown inside or outside according to climate changes with some planning and space accommodations. Many bring their outdoor gardens into the shower when traveling with the added benefit of having a skylight for natural lighting.
Growing plants of all kinds in and around your RV without soil is not only very economical but educational as well. There is nothing quite like watching a child monitor and wait expectantly for each bit of growth, showing how the aeration in the water combined with liquid nutrients can also sprout the newest green thumb in the family.
Each state has its own ordinances regarding the transportation of plants through its borders. While plant pests are one concern, the issue is mostly about soil contamination and disease. With hydroponic gardening, there is no soil. Using water as the medium also prevents pests, and there is little to no concern about weeding or using pesticide.
Hydroponic setup with pellets as top filler and steady growth. [Photo/Shawna Newton]
Self-Sustaining Herbs and Vegetables are Easy to Grow
First, a common question is, “is hydroponic gardening considered organic?” It didn’t use to be considered such because when the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) first sought to define the term organic in 1995, growing edible plants without soil was not even a consideration.
In 2002, the National Organic Program (NOP) redefined organic production in the Code of Federal Regulations as “a production system that…respond[s] to site-specific conditions by integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biological diversity.” Thus, this new definition does not mandate soil, but does require biological practices that foster the cycling of resources. In other words, if natural growth enhancers are added to the water, then yes, the term “organic” applies.
The term aquaponics is often confused with hydroponics. The difference being that aquaculture most often employs the use of fish to fertilize the water, such as with an aquarium.
A variety of fruit (including strawberries, tomatoes, and even lemon trees), and above ground vegetables (such as beans, lettuce, radishes, and herbs) are not only simple and economical to grow, but ornamental when using a hydroponic method. Using special grow lights if you are indoor gardening allows you to disregard seasonal growing times because the plants don’t know what time of year it is. They only ‘sense’ when there is light and warmth.
Germination happens quickly using a hydroponic method because, especially in the case of an indoor garden, the environment is controlled with proper lighting and right amount of warmth. Because the units are easily transportable, plants outside can be brought inside without sacrificing them to extreme weather temperatures.
The quality and types of seeds does make a difference with ‘heirloom’ being the most hardy and bountiful. Often recommended is to purchase many types in bulk in vacuum-sealed packages from survival/prepping outlets or Amazon. Use what you need and store the rest in your freezer. The frozen seeds will keep for years. To start them, simply put seeds between moist paper towels and place in a jar with lid (mason jars work well for this). Keep the towels moist with a spray bottle. In a few days, your seeds with regain their vitality and start sprouting with life.
The Process of Starting Your Plants and Tips for Success
Hydroponic gardening is a very ‘clean’ endeavor. Nothing you handle with require gloves and children can safely take part in the process of starting one plant or more.
There are basically six items you will need to start a garden and it’s the foundation of the process:
1. A container and lid with holes
2. Net cups that fit the holes and hold the roots in place
3. Special foam inserts for the net cups to hold the seeds
4. Aquarium pump
5. Liquid plant food
6. Large aeration stones to attach to the hose on the pump
The last item, the large aeration stones, is critical because the smaller stones that come with aquarium pumps do not force enough air into the water. If you would prefer to buy an all-inclusive hydroponic kit, you can get some great ideas on Amazon or at a local hydroponic store. If you would like to be creative and build your own system, DIY Hydroponic Gardens: How to Design and Build an Inexpensive System for Growing Plants in Water by Tyler Baras is an excellent book. For beginners, Hydroponics: How to Pick the Best Hydroponic System and Crops for Homegrown Food Year-Round by Richard Bray is full of how-to’s and tips.
David Allensworth, owner of A Greener World Hydroponics in Prescott, Arizona has additional ideas for RVer’s. David thoroughly says: “If you’re going to be having your setup inside, LED lights are the way to go because they’re inexpensive and don’t get hot. You would also want to make sure that you have a quiet pump to run indoors. You can also purchase a 12” x 12” solar panel with a 25’ lead that would enable you to put the panel out through a window in a good location to power the LED lights and pump, making this a great option for people who aren’t in a park or have access to power. You would need to purchase an ac/dc inverter and batteries to plug the lead into. This way, even if you’re traveling across country, power would be generating to the plants. Some people use their showers with a portable setup that can be easily taken out when the shower is in use. Others use the garage area in their toy haulers for their vegetation rooms.”
No matter how you’d like to set up your first garden, the fact remains that hydroponic gardening is the perfect solution for growing your salad and eating it, too, especially for RVer’s. Hydroponic gardening picks up where your previous dirt garden left off, but with even greater results, easy care and lack of pests. It is virtually maintenance-free with produce that is fresh, delicious, mobile and grown easily even if you may have previously failed with plants in soil.
Bon Appetit!