An Alpaca Breeding Ranch In Oregon Where Guests Can Learn About And Experience The Majestic Animals Up Close
Scott and Debbie Miller are winding down and getting back into their daily routine. It was a busy week for the two alpaca farmers. Earlier in the month, they hosted “Education With a Destination” at their third alpaca farm Crescent Moon Ranch, in Terrebonne, Oregon. Over 60 people from all over the world gathered to hear the Millers talk about alpaca DNA and biology, breeding goals and fleece attributes.
While most alpaca breeders have been around for five to ten years, the Millers have been involved with alpaca breeding for over 20 years, one of the longest acting breeders in the states. Established breeders have flocked to the farm to further understand and learn more about the unique livestock from these well-known breeders.
Despite their current worldwide notoriety, the Millers actually started alpaca breeding as a hobby, almost on a whim. After retiring from the restaurant business at 60 years old, Scott Millers' parents started looking for something to do. A friend said “Why not alpaca breeding?” They took the plunge in 1996 after becoming enamored with the animals, starting an alpaca farm on San Juan Island in Western Washington State.
“I honestly thought they were nuts,” said Scott Miller. “It was very different…an unfamiliar animal.”
The Millers came on board in 2000 (and later took over in 2014 when his parents retired at 80 years old). After seeing all of the hard work that went into alpaca breeding, Miller became intrigued. There was so much to learn. It was not soon after Miller joined his parents that their fame in the alpaca world skyrocketed.
“In 2000 my folks paid a world record setting price at the time for a male alpaca at an auction. It was $165,000,” recalls Scott. “That purchase is what catapulted us to national prominence.”
The purchase of Legacy brought so many visitors to their ranch that the Millers realized they had to leave the island, which – like Martha's Vineyard – is difficult to get to. They wanted a location with easier access and eventually moved to central Oregon.
And the success isn't the only thing that changed since 1996. Miller's outlook on the alpacas has done a complete 180. He's gone from thinking his parents were nuts, to being nuts for alpacas.
“They're enchanting animals,” continues Scott. “They're unique. They're curious and inquisitive. They're majestic. They're beautiful. They're all individuals, despite being pack animals. No two are the same. Their fleece is among the most elite natural fibers in the world. We love what we do. We are completely, 100 percent invested in alpacas.”
Bright and early in the morning, the Millers get up to clean up after the alpacas. Throughout the morning after breeding the alpacas, Scott and Debbie birth out babies from 6am to 3pm with a new addition born almost every day.
“I've seen it a few thousand times,” gushes Scott, “and I never get tired of it.”
Debbie and her daughter Rachel Leason are also very hands-on medically. To date the mother-daughter duo has birthed out over 3,000 babies. Debbie adds, “[Any person visiting] the ranch can go into the pasture and experience life. We are a full circle operation. You can watch them hit the ground. Then you can go into the store and see yarn and other alpaca products.”
Crescent Moon Ranch visitors have the entire property open to them. They can walk amongst the alpacas just outside the pastures, getting up close and personal with the unique creatures. Visitors can purchase grain from the store – which also has products like yarn, raw fleece and sweaters - and feed them. The alpacas will eat right out of people's hands, an experience many people haven't had anywhere else in the US.
Olivia Richman
A graduate of East Connecticut State University in Journalism, Olivia has written for Stonebridge Press & Antiques Marketplace among others. She enjoys writing, running and video games.
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