Lazydays RV Tampa Branch GM Discusses Competitive Nature & Consumer Motivations For Upcoming Event
Ron Fleming, Vice President and General Manager of Lazydays RV’s Tampa branch, has been in the RV industry for 36 years and knows his way around a trade show. Experience has allowed Fleming to develop many best practices and actively observe how trade shows have changed as new technology has evolved. He recently sat down with The Buzz to offer an insider’s glance on the ins and out of trade shows from the outlook of an RV dealer with the approaching Florida RV Trade Association's Summer RV Show being held in Tampa.
The Buzz: There are so many working parts to a trade show. What types of groundwork and company efforts go on in the background before even attending a show?
RF: Different people play different roles in terms of scheduling, logistics, marketing, [and] sales. Shows are typically set up to get people out to look at new models and features. It’s more exposure than anything. [First,] you secure your space by working with the association or exhibitor and determine your layout area [because] that determines how many units you’re able to [bring]. We try to find something in every category: motorhomes, travel trailers, 5th-wheels… then try to cover as many price points within those categories [to] really give the consumer a good reflection of what [the exhibitor] has to offer.
The Buzz: There seems to be a lot of excitement and competitive nature around most trade shows. What type of mindset should dealers have going into a show?
RF: You always go into the show thinking it’s going to be successful. We never go into a show and think it’s going to be a bomb. If we thought that, we would just save the money and not go. There’s some that we don’t do but typically when it’s [a] regional [show] and there’s a group of people combining their efforts, you will get good attendance and good results. [The results] are [also] not always measured by sales at a show. We have people all the time that attended a show as far back as six months to a year before they [actually] bought [an RV].
The Buzz: Undoubtedly, financial results are important, but what are some other factors that play into the successes and failures of a trade show?
RF: History more than anything. Of course, the market and other economics play into it, but typically you look at a lot of historical data. We [attend] shows that have been in place for years, and we know historically what we sell at them. [This provides an idea of] what to take [and] what product does better than others. Some years will be up. Some years not so much…but generally speaking even if you’re in a down market you still need to go [out] to the public. So we’ll do shows good, bad or other. There’s always going to be consumers there.
The Buzz: As you mentioned, a lot of the consumers who attend trade shows are not looking to buy at that time. What are other consumer motivations at a show?
RF: There are a lot of serious buyers [and] a percentage of the people who [attend] have every intent of narrowing it down and being able to see competitive brands and dealerships together in one location. That’s a [big] benefit [because] it saves [the consumer] a lot of driving around time.
The Buzz: So there is always different segments of consumers at this kind of show.
RF: I’d say there are three groups of people: There’s the people in the market that are low funnel, which means they’re ready to make a buying decision if they see something they like and the economics of it work out. Then, you have the people who own [an RV] now and may just want to see what the new models look like. These are people who have no intention of getting a new [RV], but they’ll come and see what changes have been made, what they can do to enhance their RV, [and] knickknacks they can purchase. That’s a big part of a show. Then, there’s the third group of people who you might just say are information seekers…the people way up at the top [of the funnel] that are kind of just thinking about it [and] just starting to show interest. [So] a result of the show might be that they make a decision [within] weeks or days to make a purchase.
The Buzz: The decision to purchase an RV isn’t normally made on a whim. What types of technological influences have you noticed are most prominent at trade shows?
RF: From a consumer standpoint, the [customers] are very much…more so than ever…very Internet savvy. They know where to find what they’re looking for. The whole shopping experience now is truly [and literally] in their hands. I’ll give you an interesting stat. It used to be that consumers went to 5.5 to 6 dealerships before they made a purchase. Today, it’s about 1.7. So much more of the [background] research is being done on the Internet.
The Buzz: Does this affect how sales are generated then?
RF: From a sales standpoint, you need to be up to date on your pricing strategy. It’s not uncommon for a consumer these days to be able to Google [a] particular year make and model and find 5-10 other listings in other places, even across the country. So you have to certainly be on your game there and make sure you’re competitive [in terms of prices].
The Buzz: Sizeable amounts of time, money and energy go into attending a tradeshow. What are the takeaways for dealers looking to attend these types of events?
RF: It serves a dual purpose. One is to sell RVs while you’re there but the other is to meet friends and introduce yourself. [Brands need to make] themselves known to the consumers. And, if you think about it, within those three categories [of buyers], that low funnel buyer is going to search out and find you. [So] the real purpose of the trade show is to get a chance to speak to and visit with the other two-thirds of the market. It’s [about] the “top-of-the-mind” awareness concept. You want to be sure that you get some consideration when they go to make that purchase.
Jannie Schaffer
A graduate of the Fashion Institute Of Technology in New York City with a degree in Interactive Marketing, Jannie has worked both for FOX and ASA Electronics. She enjoys traveling and whitewater rafting.
Make Sure To Check Out:
The Florida RV Association Summer RV Show in Tampa, Florida June 23rd to June 26th at the Florida State Fairgrounds where Lazy Days RV will be exhibiting.