Thousands of years ago, people lived a much simpler life. Although simple, the life they lived was rich with culture and rituals that are hard to find in our modern lifestyles. Those looking for a culture-rich experience that dates back to thousands of years ago should find their way to the state of Georgia for a deeper look into the lives of Native Americans on the right side of the Mississippi.
Georgia State Parks are home to many beautiful and wonderfully made nature scenes, but one that is close to the heart of many locals is the Etowah Indian Mounds State Historic Site. As the most intact Mississippian Culture site in the Southeast, the Etowah Indian Mounds were home to several thousand Native Americans. Fifty-four acres protects the six mounds, a plaza, village site, borrow pits, and a defensive ditch that were created by the Native Americans who lived there between 1000 A.D. and 1550 A.D.
For many, the history behind the Etowah mounds are the true reason to stop by, but what the site has to offer is more than just the mounds themselves. RVers traveling through the Georgia area can expect to find artifacts, hand-carved effigies, and other crafts made by those who once lived there. Georgia State Parks has taken great care to ensure the protection of this site, in honor of the many Native Americans that come from the surrounding reservations to visit.
Kim Hatcher, the Public Affairs Coordinator of Georgia State
Parks, Recreation, and Historic Sites, gave a brief overview of what visitors
can do to get the most from the Etowah Indian Mounds Historic Site. “Visitors
will want to start at the museum and watch the video. Then, walk across the
scenic grassy plaza to the mounds. Climb to the apex and look out over the
valley, imagining [it] live 1,000 years ago. Then take a nice walk along the Etowah River before returning to the museum.” Hatcher says that some of the most
interesting artifacts are the 125-pound effigies, some of which still have
their pigment from the time they were created.
“One of the six mounds, and stairway, at Etowah Indian Mounds State Historic Site in Cartersville.” [Photo Credit: GA State Parks]
The site itself has information about the history of all of the mounds and artifacts that can be seen along the way. Those that stop to read will learn about the ways Native Americans used local trees for food and medicinal purposes. Many of the artifacts were once used as decorations for political or religious rituals. Things like beads, paint, feathers, and ear ornaments are just a few of the things that were incorporated.
Visitors can find their way to the Nature Trail to see all the site has to offer. Keith Bailey, a curator at Etowah Indian Mounds State Historic Site, says that the Etowah River shows off more than just the water source used by the Native Americans so long ago. “If the river is not running high, visitors will see the fish weir [fishing trap created by the Native Americans]. Wildlife may be seen on any of our outdoor trails.” For those seeking specific wildlife, Bailey goes on to say, “Seeing wildlife is dependent on so many factors, however, large numbers of turtles are usually seen sunning on logs in the river on sunny days. We have a bald eagle that has been seen fishing near the fish weir occasionally, as well as an osprey.” Although large animals are not often seen at the site, ground hogs, squirrels, rabbits, and a variety of birds can also be seen on most days.
People come from all over to see the mounds. According to Bailey, up to half of the visitors to the site come from Georgia every year. The rest come from out of state as far as Australia, New Zealand, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Many find their way to the site traveling from Florida or a few of the northern states while passing through.
For those visiting in an RV, there are parking spots available as well as picnic tables for a quick lunch. Wi-Fi can be used for free in the museum, too. If travelers are looking for even more historic Native American sites, Kim Hatcher recommends stopping by Kolomoki Mounds State Park in Blakely, Georgia, just down the road. Leashed pets are welcome on historic site trails but are not allowed in buildings.
For another RV friendly state park in Georgia, Hatcher suggests Red Top Mountain State Park for hiking, biking, boating and fishing. Those staying at Red Top Mountain State Park can stay at the shaded campground off Lake Allatoona and find their way to the Etowah Indian Mounds site just fifteen minutes away.
While only 9% of the Etowah Indian Mounds Historic Site has been excavated, the mounds and artifacts found reveal so much about the way of life that was once flourishing there. RVers who stop by will learn much about the series of past events that occurred on site and see how those who lived there made a life for themselves during that time.
From sitting along the river and watching the fish go by to learning how the indigenous people decorated themselves for rituals, Etowah Indian Mounds State Park is a unique and educational stop for those who find themselves in Bartow County.