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Lazy Cove Campground

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620 Plantation Dr, Penhook, VA 24137
(1) Reviews

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Lazy Cove Campground Reviews

Worst Place Ever....stay away

Anyone thinking of leasing a lot at this campground please read this review as well as others and take them seriously. I am the type of person that can get along and tolerate must anyone. However the owner of this campground is a toxic and horrible person. I?ve never met anyone like her?.ever and hope to never again. My experience in just 3 months was a nightmare and I don?t want anyone else to experience what my family and I have. On 4/11/2020 my family and I purchased a camper that was already located on a Site there. We paid 6 months lot rent in cash, for which the only receipt I was able to get was a handwritten one that I wrote up and had her sign. She refuses to give out a written lease and she doesn?t give out any rules. She makes it a point to go from sight to sight gossiping and bad mouthing everyone in the campground to people that are renting. Anyone that you talk to there will tell you that they do their best to avoid her and basically hide or go the other way when they see her coming. If you rent there you will constantly stay on pins and needles worrying about what she?s going to go off about next. She always references her ?rules? when demanding something be done her way yet she does not give out rules and regulations. I was able to let everything roll off until she had a conversation with someone on 6/11 stating that ?Had she of known my husband was black she would have never rented to us?. (We are an interracial family). She then repeated that same conversation to someone else on 7/7 .She also added to it that when our lease was up she would not be renewing it due to the fact that my husband was black. On 7/12 we have a recorded conversation between her and another person in which she admits to saying what she did. She claims ?it?s her campground and she can rent to whoever she wants to?. That?s how she justifies it. She is a thief and will lie straight to your face. On July 11 I informed her we were leaving and pulling our camper out. She told me if we left before our lease was up she would pro-rate the rent and give me back the unused portion. On August 1 we tried to peacefully pack up and get out of there. While we were busting our butts taking down decks she continually harassed us throughout the day and then also refuses to pro-rate the rent and on top of that is going to lease the lot out before our lease is even up! This campground should be shut down because of how it?s run. Any landlord who would make remarks like that and having no clue that it?s ILLEGAL and against Fair Housing rules to even make a statement like that doesn?t deserve to run a business. Run from this place as fast as you can. Don?t let the cheap rental rates suck you in like it did to me. It?s not worth it!

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