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Prop Straightener

2080 Paul Edmondson Dr, Iuka, MS 38852

The Prop Eye The Prop Eye is designed to automatically measure the pitch, rake, tracking and squareness of a marine propeller. Laser technology is used to scan the Z axis. The degrees of rotation along with the radii of the propeller are established through computer interaction with encoders integrated into servo motor drives. The Prop Eye is designed to be fixed on a single tapered center point. The single center point allows the laser to be rotated around the propeller for data acquisition. The Prop Eye scans in both clockwise and counter clockwise directions and records data for up to seven previously defined radii as set by the user. The complete scan can be accomplished in as little as two minutes. The simplicity of a single point fixture also allows for mounting to several different platforms eliminating costly set up time. The Prop Eye can scan a larger diameter propeller while still being able to measure the 50% radius on a smaller diameter propeller. The Prop Straightener The constant force and accurate placement of the hydraulic cylinders work independently on the X and Y axis and can be placed anywhere on the blade surface. They allow the operator to make any potential adjustment effectively without needing to heat the propeller. This independent operation allows the use of one cylinder as a heel while the other cylinder bends the blade. Since the blade is held rigidly, it is possible to use one cylinder as a heel so that a rawhide hammer can be used with vibration eliminated. By allowing the operator to watch the amount of blade movement along with the ability to precisely place both heel and press cylinders on the blade surface, accurate adjustment is a straightforward procedure.

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